Stockland Lovell Equine influenza Policy

RE: Equine Flu Outbreak

Before booking our facilities or on to a Camp please ensure you are able to comply with the below.

Following the recent Equine Flu Outbreak in areas of the UK, we have put in place the following protocol to protect and safeguard those attending Residential Camps and using the facilities at Stockland Lovell.

As of the 1st March 2019 it will be compulsory for any horse attending Stockland Lovell to have documented vaccination or booster in their passport dated within 6 months of their booking taking place.

Every horse that arrives at Stockland Lovell will not be permitted off their transport until its passport has been inspected by a member of our staff.

At this time there is to be no hand grazing of any horses anywhere whilst at Stockland Lovell, grass may be collected and taken to your horse in its stable.

We will be implementing disinfectant dip points outside the tack rooms for bits to be rinsed before being hung back in the tack rooms.

We are making bio security a priority to keep your horse safe whilst enjoying your time at Stockland Lovell, we ask that you do the same by using the measures accordingly and ensuring you do not put your horse or other horses at risk by arriving at Stockland Lovell if your horse has any clinical signs or is unwell.

If you have any questions please contact the Office on: 01278 652224 or email the team at: