About Us

Stockland Lovell Manor – a 700 acre estate comprising of a beef and arable farm – has been in the Hill family since 1907 and is beautifully situated, nestling in the shadow of the Quantock Hills, with panoramic views stretching from the Mendip Hills across Bridgwater Bay to Wales. There is an excellent cross country course for schooling use. 1989 saw the beginning of equestrian activities with the building of the original cross country course.

Since then it has developed extensively, now running over 75 acres of natural terrain providing an excellent variety of fences, both portable and permanent, including two water complexes, banks, a sunken road, steps and various ditch combinations.

The cross country facility is further complemented by two dedicated schooling areas. The course is open for about nine months from March to November for schooling, subject to ground conditions.

The all weather arenas, one 60 x 50 metre show jumping arena and an adjoining 50 x 50 metre dressage arena are available for hire throughout the year.

The arenas can also be utilised as one 110 x 50 metre area. With on site accommodation for both horse and rider, residential camps occur throughout the season for both self catering groups or groups which prefer onsite catering, many Riding Clubs, Pony Clubs and other groups regularly return to Stockland Lovell year on year.

Stockland Lovell Manor has something to offer for everyone.